
Welcome to the playineights.xyz brotherhood, a community of men who have chosen to rise above mediocrity and embrace the power of positive habits in their lives. This is not just an idea; it is a necessity for anyone seeking to cultivate a better temperament, healthier habits, and a more fulfilling life. As a coach, I am here to encourage and egg on our brothers to be their best selves every day.

Our brotherhood is built upon the idea that consistent, healthy habits lead to a more meaningful life. By completing the 8 habits of meditation, fasting, supplements, biohacking, burpees, lifting, positive self-talk, and self-learning, you will transform your life from the inside out. These habits have been chosen to improve your physical and mental health, provide more energy, increase focus, and enhance your self-awareness.

The process is simple: purchase an NFT, register, pay a monthly fee of $8, complete your profile and apply ID qualification, and wait for your invitation to join our private stream channel. Once you receive your invite, you can start uploading videos of yourself completing one of the 8 habits, only one per day. Remember, this is a private channel, and sharing the link will result in immediate banning and blacklisting.

Our brotherhood is not about competition, the only competition you have at the end of the day, is who you were yesterday. It is about encouraging each other to be the best version of ourselves. Every day, one brother is randomly selected from the uploaded videos as the winner of a daily reward of $888. But, the true reward comes from being consistent in your healthy habits and feeling the transformation take place within you.

As a Life Coach, I am here to guide and support you every step of the way. I will provide encouragement, tips, and advice on how to complete the 8 habits successfully. I will help you stay motivated and committed to the process because I know the power of positive habits in transforming lives.

Let’s change the world, one habit at a time. The time is now to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life, and you are a big part of it. Together, we will rise above mediocrity and embrace a new way of living.

Welcome to the playineights.xyz brotherhood! Your Brotherhood, where consistency is key, and gratitude is a way of life!
